Archiving a Task

After a task is completed, you may want to change its state to Archived. Archiving moves selected tasks from the Completed tasks list to the archived list. This change cleans up the completed tasks list, making it easier to use.

Archived tasks are typically kept for a predetermined time period, at which point an administrator deletes them (depending on your organization’s policies).

Learn About Archiving a Task

To archive a task, follow these steps.

1. Open Workarea> Reports > Tasks.

2. Click the view option corresponding to the state of tasks you want to archive. Typically, you would archive completed tasks.

3. A list of Completed tasks appears. Select tasks one at a time, or click the check box on the top left corner to select all.

4. Next to the Change to State field, click the down arrow to display the drop down list.

5. Select Archived.

6. Click Set.

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